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8 Useful Tips!

  • Clean Up

Cleaning your belongings not only saves you time packing extra boxes, but allows you to sort through and get rid of what you no longer need! You can also hold a garage sale or donate what you want to replace to charity. It is also the perfect time to take inventory of your belongings

  • Anticipate

Everything you need to save time, from boxes to packing tape and bubble wrap, right down to the markers that label the boxes, must be purchased in advance. We provide wardrobe boxes free of charge, mattress covers and blankets to protect all your furniture and appliances.

  • Plan Ahead

Take the time to check the dimensions of your new rooms to determine in advance where your furniture will go. Make sure all large pieces of furniture will fit through doorways and obstacles (staircases, hallways, and tight spaces). Also check that they fit into the chosen room to avoid having to move your furniture several times.

  • Pack in Stages

Pack as you go, starting with everything you don't need before the move. The day before the move, you should pack what you use on a daily basis. On moving day, you can pack perishable items, preferably in a cool box with ice. Afterwards, you will need to make sure you have all the items you will need for your first few days at hand.

  • Check Your Boxes

There will always be some “last minute” items, but make sure that the bulk of your packing is already done. Set aside fragile items so they are clearly identified, and keep all your important papers together, so they don't get misplaced during the moving process and are readily available when you need them.

  • Check the Labelling

You have bought the markers, now make sure everything is properly labelled. You need to identify the boxes on the sides (not on the top) and write down which room each one is for and whether it contains fragile items. This way, putting items in the right room will be child's play.

  • Checklist

Don't forget to reserve the dates for disconnection and reconnection of services (Hydro, newspapers, Internet, gas, cable TV). Make your change of address in advance at the post office, and notify your banks, SAAQ, insurance companies, employers, pension plans and annuities. For full details on address changes, click here.

  • Preparing for D-Day

Unplug your fridge, dishwasher, stove, and all appliances that will be moved. Unplug and drain the washing machine, and remove the hoses. Be careful, there is always some water left in the machine and pipes. Start removing curtains, blinds and brackets, shelves and racks. Provide parking spaces for the truck at the start and finish.

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